Trail Journal

Date: May 31 2000
Trail Day: NA
Miles Today: NA
Location: On board via Rail Canada train
Section Mile: IAT NA
ECT Mile: NA

I went sight seeing in Montreal. Saw the museum of fine arts, China town and old Montreal. All of them are downtown and within walking distance. I mailed out my stuff to Matapedia and La Gite hotel and changed my money. All money under 5 canadian dollars are in coins. Looks like I may have to lug some coins around. Sightseeing with a backpack has a very different feel. There is a feeling of freedom and belonging to the place - its hard to explain. My transition to bum is also complete. I have a week old stubble and have already got a slightly unkempt look. At one point I was sitting on a bench downtown with my backpack open and rummaging. I asked the time from two people and they completely ignored me - it was cool. Some general impression on seeing people in the downtown Montreal area (that's the only place I have been so far), women dress much better. Take out black from their dresses and most of them will be nude. People are far less fat than Americans. A significant portion of the crowd is just plain rude or they don't like being talked to in English.

I am now on a via Rail Canada train headed to Gaspe.

Date: Juni 1 2000
Trail Day: NA
Miles Today: NA
Location: Cap Gaspe, Canada
Section Mile: IAT NA
ECT Mile: NA

I got to Gaspe around noon. As soon as I got off the train I asked another guy to take a photograph. He told me he had just returned from Antartica. He offered me a ride in a cab across a bridge and took me to a Fisheries Department saying he was going to give me a poster. As no one was in the office he just got my address and he said he would mail it to me. His name is Daniel. I don't know what to make of him. I was quite nervous as I had no idea who he was. But he was helpful. Then I started walking the road towards Forillion park. About 15 minutes into the walk it started raining with very strong winds. It was enough to push you around. Just as suddenly it cleared off after about 15 minutes. I then got a ride into Forillion Park about half way to Gaspe. Started walking again and got a ride for about 3 miles from a couple from Montreal. They were young and the girl was very beautiful. They dropped me off and I started hiking the trail.

Got to the light house which is the beginning point of the trail. There is another short trail that takes one, half way down to the water's edge. As soon as I started walking the trail I saw the girl that had given me the ride flash for a photograph. Then she saw me and was embarassed. Anyway we walked down to the end of the trail. From there its a somewhat steep climb down to the water's edge. Somehow made it. Washed my feet in the ocean, took some photographs and got back.

I have decided to start the hike one day earlier as I was able to get rides very quickly. This is the last entry of the pre-hike journal. What can I say - let the insanity begin !!

Date: June 1 2000
Trail Day: 1
Miles Today: 4.8
Location: Cap Bon Ami Campground
Section Mile: IAT 4.8
ECT Mile: 4.8

The views along the ocean are spectacular. I saw a porcupine on the trail. First it looked like a skunk ready to spray me. I backed away quickly but then realized it was a porcupine. I shouted and yelled to get him off the trail - no effect. Walked around. By the end of the day I had seen 4 porcupines. None of them ran away when they heard or saw me approaching. Also saw a rabbit - possibly domestic gone wild. He moved off the trail but did not run. He sat there about 10 ft from me. Also saw an unidentified bird near a tiny stream. He would not run or fly away either. He was almost all black, was the size of a hen and had raised tail feathers like a peacock displaying. He also had a tuft on his head.

I had decided on taking it easy and not overdo the hiking the first day. I did not overdo it but am certainly in the vicinity. The muscles above the knees have started cramping. As I was nearing a campground I talked to a couple and they told me that the campground was closed. They also told me that there were bear in the area. I usually ignore such stuff. I started walking to the campground. A couple of minutes later I saw a bear. He was young - the size of a large dog. I didn't know what to do. I tried to shoo him away but he only looked confused. Then he realized that there was man and bounded away. This is my first bear sighting in the wild. I think I will have to be careful and keep the food well away from the tent.

I had noodles for dinner, set up camp and was out like a light. I would like to know how sore I will be tomorrow.

Lighthouse at Cap de Gaspe

Date: June 2 2000
Trail Day: 2
Miles Today: 15.6
Location: Camp near Lacs de Penouille
Section Mile: IAT 20.4
ECT Mile: 20.4

Slept like a baby. I wasn't sore at all and felt good. No bear visits. The camp was near the sea and thus at sea level. The trail led directly to an observtion tower which is on one of the highest points in the vicinity. Needless to say it was up, up and up. Coming from flat Florida, I had to stop about 15 times even though it was barely 1.5 kms (0.9 miles). The view was spectacular. They have things similar to gun sights that show exactly what is what - excellent. Cap Gaspe - where I started from looked like a stones throw away although it was 10 kms (6.2 miles). Rest of the hike was OK - the scenery was good, felt tired on the ups, OK on the downs and flew through the flats. After the ups the flats felt like rest periods.

Started seeing patches of snow. Looks like the sheltered portions still have snow. The weather is ideal for hiking, although resting for more than 15 minutes will get one shivering. There are numerous little streams with cold - cold water. I used to fantasize about ice cold water during my Florida hikes. Well, here I have it. The day started out sunny but quickly turned overcast and stayed that way. It started raining just as I reached camp and rained almost all night.

I also took two 10-15 minute naps along the way. I started dreaming almost immediately. It is bizarre when one dreams and one is somehow aware that one is just resting on the trail. In one I saw 2 sparrows chirp and hop very clearly. I wonder what this immediate dreaming means.

Taking a rest after an endless up.

Date: June 3 2000
Trail Day: 3
Miles Today: 13.6
Location: Hill between Petit Riviere Au Renaurd and Petit Cap
Section Mile: IAT 34
ECT Mile: 34

Today's hike went through an altitude of about 1500 ft. The trail was half covered with snow. It was a good experience walking on the snow. Some parts of the trail are slippery, while other parts sink in about 1.5 ft, when stepped on. It comes as a surprise and can be very tiring. Parc de la Gaspesie is at about 4000 ft. That should be interesting. As snow was still melting, lot of the trail was mucky. There were 2 instances where the bridges across the stream had been washed away and I had to get my shoes completely wet while crossing. So today was a wet shoe hike day.

I did not know that porcupines could climb trees. I saw one do just that as soon as it heard me. I also completed Park Forillion today. I really like this park and would recommend it to anyone wanting to do 2-3 day hikes. The trails have been well maintained and marked. They have also built stations for views. Overall the management has done a good job. The park is also good for sightseeing where one can get a glimpse of unspoilt sea sides.

Called Churi and Vivek as soon as I got to the first phone. Churi wasn't there but I talked to Vivek. It feels good to talk to someone you know after several days of hiking. I had a burger and fries at one of the shops. Expensive - 7 US $. It is now a 5 day road walk to Park de la Gaspesie. I am now in my tent on top of a hill. It is sloped everywhere and I tried to find the most level area possible. Even then I have a 15 degree slope. Tonight should be interesting. Maybe I will wake up at the bottom of the hill. Just kidding. There are trees everywhere. Weather wise the day started out cloudy with all my equipment wet. It cleared up around noon and it was bright and sunny. Now (6 pm), it is again cloudy and drizzling.

Date: June 4 2000
Trail Day: 4
Miles Today: 19.9
Location: Just west of unnamed tourist spot near sea
Section Mile: IAT 53.9
ECT Mile: 53.9

The day started out with either snow or hail. It was ice crystals about 1/16th of an inch. It sprinkled for 10 minutes or so. I had a brunch of a sub, 2 bananas and a soda. I then got to an information center and they told me that the next place I could get food was 28 kms (17.4 miles) away. The map showed a lot of little towns and near the Gaspe peninsula there were stores, restaurants fairly frequently. I was banking on getting food from these stores and was therfore carrying none. I had to go hungry after my brunch. The next meal will be tomorrow.

It is very windy as I am very near the open sea and the wind is cold. I was wearing my jacket with the hood up and gloves all day. People here seem to know about the IAT though they don't know where it is. The IAT people are also trying to close the the gap between Parc de la Gaspesie and Park Forillion. I could see some blazes and flags along the way. Saw a very good view of a church next to the ocean. I took a shot of it.

As soon as the series of towns near the Gaspe peninsula ended there have been no signs along the road. So I only have a rough idea of where I am. Well, I will be dreaming of food tonight.

Date: June 5 2000
Trail Day: 5
Miles Today: 16.8
Location: Campground in Grande Vallee
Section Mile: IAT 70.7
ECT Mile: 70.7

Excellent day today. The day started bright and clear although over night it was very cold (Later conversations revealed the temperature had dropped below freezing). Had a good breakfast after the fast yesterday. The road today ran along towns with stores. But I don't think I will be hiking without food any more. Mailed my first film and set of journal entries to Churi. Tried calling Kumar and Suriyan several times - no luck. Had a good lunch and dinner. Today was a relaxed day - not in terms of miles but I guess socially. Since I was walking through town I was meeting and talking to a lot of people. People seem to fall into two distinct categories - they like hikers or they hate them. The younger crowd is in general, favourably disposed. The older folks don't know what to make of me. Come up behind someone and hit him on the head with a baseball bat - that's the dazed look I get.

It is still very windy at times. If it is windy you need a jacket with hood up and gloves otherwise you can cut down your thermal barrier. But it changes very quickly. So its a cat and mouse game. I am also getting chaffing problems between my thighs. So I am walking with pants riding high to get some cloth between the problem area - you know, in sort of an Earkle fashion. I am already dark and wear glasses, throw in a nasal voice and the show should be complete.

I am now at a campground - 9$. Doing laundry after shower. Almost night, the sea is a deep dark blue while the sky is pink turning to blue. Its unbelievable. I am also down 950 ml of Labat Blue Dry Beer and feeling on top of the world.

I also got a ride from one of the local residents to a store without even asking for it. He was generous to a fault. He was born about 5 km from here and has lived here his whole life. We had an interesting conversation - me in highly broken French, him rattling away and me catching bits and pieces. Trail angels don't exist on the AT alone !!

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