closer look

Unique abstract contemporary art - A celebration needs lotsa light Title: A celebration needs lotsa light

Close up of painting

Close up of painting

Size: 101cm x 25cm (40" x 10")

Price: 560USD / 3500RMB / 30240INR

Media: Acrylic on Paper and Canvas
Data produced: 2013-11-08

Artist Notes: A few years ago I painted a long painting of a woman. I wanted to paint a similar one. Started it in San Francisco CBD. I tried to recreate a similar one but was not successful. Then I just let myself go and drew without any aim. Liked what I saw. Developed it further and was even more pleased. Then, when ahead and finished. This is one of the paintings that I am quite satisfied with.

Detective and Sidekick working through a complication.
Sidekick lying on couch.

Hitman Harry waiting for client.

Jennifer Anniston nude on couch.
Where is Jennifer Anniston?
She's in the potty. Will be back shortly.

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